you have on other people. glenn: you can expect more from this show, yes, much more from this show. from new york, good knight,ant america. captioned by, closed captioning services, inc. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] this is ciello drive wheres 40 years agorgeous the summer of evil began. began nestled high inles, hbenedict canyon, it has always been home to many of ce hollywood s a-list celebrities. it was august, 1969 during aurn blistering heat wave, close to, midnight when three women and man, all around 20 years old, a crept up the driveway behindld me, carrying ropes, knives and a gun.yingopes on the order of charles mansont they were there to unleash what son, hocking th helter skelter. two more brutale murders would take place the following nighte in less than 48 hoursht los angeles was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. this is the chilling story of what happened to a beautifulst young actress named sharon tate and six others at the hands of a