This is the right flag. The last time you probably saw this flag, it was across the east village for president obamas last Campaign Speech of his entire career. So, barack obama no pressure, senator klobuchar. [laughter] senator klobuchar is the daughter of the newspaper man and an elementary schoolteacher , the first woman to be elected to the u. S. Senate in Minnesota History in one of the most effective members of the u. S. Congress. That is not just me saying that. It was reported last year she was ranked number one in the senate with the most bills enacted into law in the 114th congress. [applause] she has worked on a lot to on sext cracks down traffickers led the legislation , to combat the Opioid Epidemic and has reached out to work with democrats and republicans on the 2014 farm bill of legislative farm bill. Her legislative record is amazing. In a recent poll, 72 of approved of her work, including the majority of republicans. [applause] the majority of republicans. Most recent
The russian federation. Their relationship has been the subject of speculation for months and Long Distance until today when they met at the summit in germany. First Lady Melania Trump interrupted to urge them to wrap it up, to no avail. Tillerson was the only other administration person. Began on an awkward note, the 2016 election. The two leaders differences may be intractable tillerson said in a briefing where cameras were not allowed. The president pressed president putin on more than one occasion about russian involvement and president putin denied involvement as he has in the past. But Sergey Lavrov described things differently, said President Trump accepted putins denials and said some are fueling stories of russian meddling. The intelligence communities concluded with high confidence Russian Hackers were responsible. Putin asked President Trump for proof. The two agreed to cooperate in syria. A limited cease fire in the southwest of the country but admitted key key details were
He was also asked about the ethical and moral standards of President Trump. This is just over an hour. 22 years i worked here we have posted a number of elected officials and candidates from both parties. We have always had respectful meetings. That is what we are looking for today. I think maybe the senator refers to it as iowa nice. We welcome you as guest everyone who is from somewhere else. What we expect is that you do not interrupt. Use your inside voice. I know it will be hard to hear, but if we are all quiet we can hear the questions. And be respectful of others. Pretty elementary stuff, be respectful of others. You come here from somewhere, whether you were paid to be here or you are here voluntarily [shouting] [indiscernible] you guys are not professionals. I didnt mean to be it is time to start iowa nice. It is not iowa night. We will go for iowa nice, everyone on board with that . I apologize [indiscernible] [laughter] Chuck Grassley kind of an iowa warm winter. I am proud
He was also asked about the ethical and moral standards of President Trump. This is just over an hour. 22 years i worked here we have posted a number of elected officials and candidates from both parties. We have always had respectful meetings. That is what we are looking for today. I think maybe the senator refers to it as iowa nice. We welcome you as guest everyone who is from somewhere else. What we expect is that you do not interrupt. Use your inside voice. I know it will be hard to hear, but if we are all quiet we can hear the questions. And be respectful of others. Pretty elementary stuff, be respectful of others. You come here from somewhere, whether you were paid to be here or you are here voluntarily [shouting] [indiscernible] you guys are not professionals. I didnt mean to be it is time to start iowa nice. It is not iowa night. We will go for iowa nice, everyone on board with that . I apologize [indiscernible] [laughter] Chuck Grassley kind of an iowa warm winter. I am proud
He was also asked about the ethical and moral standards of President Trump. This is just over an hour. 22 years i worked here we have posted a number of elected officials and candidates from both parties. We have always had respectful meetings. That is what we are looking for today. I think maybe the senator refers to it as iowa nice. We welcome you as guest everyone who is from somewhere else. What we expect is that you do not interrupt. Use your inside voice. I know it will be hard to hear, but if we are all quiet we can hear the questions. And be respectful of others. Pretty elementary stuff, be respectful of others. You come here from somewhere, whether you were paid to be here or you are here voluntarily [shouting] [indiscernible] you guys are not professionals. I didnt mean to be it is time to start iowa nice. It is not iowa night. We will go for iowa nice, everyone on board with that . I apologize [indiscernible] [laughter] Chuck Grassley kind of an iowa warm winter. I am proud