into a crowd of carnival goers. police have described what took place as an accident. several people were seriously injured. the driver has been detained. the incident happened in a small village west of the city of charleroi as people were gathering for a traditional parade. hong kong s leader carrie lam says she expects to announce a review of covid 19 restrictions on monday. the territory currently has some of the toughest measures in the world, with a ban on arrivals from nine countires, including australia and the uk. ms lam says falling infection numbers mean she hopes to announce a staged easing of restrictions. 16,500 new cases of covid 19 were reported on saturday and 243 deaths. wildfires in texas in the us have destroyed thousands of acres of dry grasslands and forced the evacuation of residents from their homes. people living in areas of eastland county, about 90 miles west of fort worth, and brown and comanche counties have been ordered to leave. strong winds and very dr
Completed in 2021 in Charleroi, Belgium. Images by Tess Meurice, Antoine Richez . Located in the city center of Charleroi, the new Polomé’s jewelry is established in a former supermarket. Starting from an undefined space in which.
Completed in 2021 in Charleroi, Belgium. Images by Utku Pekli. The quality of the site is due to its location in the heart of a planted island. The buildings of the establishment are pavilions between which users.
Completed in 2018 in Charleroi, Belgium. Images by Philippe Braquenier. Inside an unoccupied industrial building close to Charleroi train station, new working spaces for high-tech companies and laid out according to a.