"Anthony and Cleopatra," by William Shakespeare, directed by Charlene V. Smith, will be staged July 7 through Aug. 30 at Cumston Hall, at 796 Main St. in
Theater at Monmouth opens Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra as part of the It's Greek (and Roman) to ME! Season. Antony + Cleopatra, one of Shakespeare's greatest tragedies, weaves a web of the spell-binding relationship between the Queen of Egypt, and her Roman lover, Antony, one of the Triumvirate of Roman rulers that vie for Cleopatra's Country and attention.
'Anthony and Cleopatra,' 'Amphitryon,' 'Comedy of Errors,' 'Eurydice,' and 'Pandora and Her Top Secret and Exceptionally Important Scientific Mission,' also are planned.
Through modern adaptations and classic takes on the original plays and myths; TAM’s 53rd Season will feature gods, demigods, heroes, and heroines, and every satyr in-between.