Then antI we expect someOne who Is PrIme MInIster and a former DIrector Of PublIc ProsecutIons, whIch obvIously Is a role InvolvIng complete IntegrIty, to be someOne who Is an exemplar of those rules. ThIs Is not a party polItIcal poInt on conservatIve polItIcIans also have been guIlty of breachIng rules, stretchIng the rules beyond accepted boundarIes In relatIon to gIfts. It Is all partIes. You have a chance to have your say, get In touch wIth thIs. A lot of people acknowledgIng the whole thIng has been an own goal. George and plymouth, joy In south london, joy, what Is your reactIon . Is the case closed . Your reactIon . Is the case closed . ,. ,. , closed . Good mornIng. Can you hear me . Closed . Good mornIng. Can you hear me . Yes, closed . Good mornIng. Can you hear me . Yes, we closed . Good mornIng. Can you hear me . Yes, we can, closed . Good mornIng. Can you hear me . Yes, we can, fIre hear me . Yes, we can, fIre awa. Hear me . Yes, we can, FIre Away for hear me . Yes, we ca
Right to report to activists one of a new threat to Media Freedom as hong kong clamps down on journalists and getting a little help from outer space we look at how satellites are helping to reduce the Environmental Impact of farms. And install the l. A. Lakers reach the n. B. A. Finals for the 1st time in a decade Le Bron James ladies came to when i was the Denver Nuggets in game 5 of the western conference. So azerbaijan has accused armenia of starting a new war after a major escalation over the disputed theyre going to cut about a region the violence began early this morning and both sides are trading blame amenia has declared martial law and fully mobilized its military it says the number of soldiers has been killed as well the your opinion. Russia and iran are all calling for a cease fire turkey is backing as a passion and has called on armenians to stand against their government. Spends our coverage. On meanies Defense Ministry tweeted these videos on sunday morning it says the sh
When these companies were able to move their production offshore so you saw the ending of a number of Steel Companies the shifting of manufacturing to the global south where the wages were lower where the environmental rules were not either existed or enforced and thats the beginning of this concept of these transnationals they have the technology to do it they had the Transportation Systems to do it and frankly governments werent stopping them. And i remember one day i was i was working on the boss come up to me and says thats where were going home. I thought were going home early why because were close to very close. I dont know what to say. Because its a crying shame really is. I was a long time or a democrat but this last election before it came along i switched parties i switched parties on the republican now and. I think mr trump is doing a great job for us i think hes trying youre going to help the country you work for and i think you try to do that really does. That. Kind of do
A passing fad and theres always a return to gold the thing is that when you have money printers in charge the act of printing all that paper money to hang around guys themselves really fills their head with dreams of its fear of primacy thats the ultimate form of supremacy is i print therefore i am in if you can pull the levers of political power with your fear of money if you can acquire assets with your fear of money that gives you that god complex that we have so much of a around the world and countries and big corporations and now its all going to come crashing down silver prices on one day in the past week it went up 13 percent so silver is back its pass through its long term resistance for the past 6 years 20 dollars and about 0. 50 has been a resistance it could not punch above that but it punched through that heading past 23. 00 it was like soaring and therefore the bull market is finally back on the confirming the gold bull market as well which never really you know hung out a
This is the one business show you cant afford to miss them on to say ok in washington coming up big health and Economic News markets today but are we past market bottom we have a channel for you that much Energy Factor is among the worst start of the pandemic putting many jobs at risk you have a cockroach today so lets go and dive right into. Big health and Economic News driving markets up on this tuesday a u. K. Clinical trial known as recovery found a possible treatment for cobra 19 well providing low doses of the generic state stero a drug dexamethasone to patients with the krona virus reduce death by up to one 3rd in severely ill hospitalized patients for patients on oxygen it could death by a 5th while Oxford University professor Martin Landry coleading the trial said this is a result that shows. That if patients who have coburn 19 are on ventilators or on oxygen are given dexamethasone it will save lives and it will do so at a remarkably low cost coal lead investigator peter or b