that. i have been on this journey trying to raise a million pounds. i m trying to get $2 off a million people everest doivenlg go to help the children, which i m trying to help. you are a fabulous spokesperson. so, tell me, when nepal, the government of nepal called you, what did they say and are you still trying to fight this charges? it s an issue, actually. they haven t gotten in contact with me. even on my website, they haven t physically gotten in contact with me. they have been speaking to the climbing company and as far as we re concerned, we were literally making a video call all for charity purposes, actually the charity i am trying to help. they have three projects in nepal. all the exposure is helping the people in nepal. so it s unfortunate, really. i really love that. still, you are a mountaineer.
down, can the rest of the law remain in effect? can it vooifr? it sounds like at least one justice believes it can. there s so many things in this act that unquestionably okay. we concede that reauthorizing the indian health care improvement act changes to the black long benefits. why make congress redo those? it s a question of whether we say everything you did is no good, now start from scratch. and once again, we have jeff toobin outside the supreme court. i know court observers, they re not surprised by the support from justice ginsburg, you know, a liberal. what did you read when you were listening so closely to those questions from the other justices. what did you hear today? well, to me, the most important thing that i heard in this morning was anthony kennedy, the all important swing vote asking question after question about what happens when we declare the individual mandate unconstitutional. now, it could be that he was just speculating about the possibility o
and all the freedom to play pampers we are jittery. we had coffee today. did we? all right. i did. look at the picture. show you the picture. this will explain. see that? that s iron man. this is no regular iron man. it is a popular movie series the last several years. robert downey jr. plays iron man. this guy is brian thornton. he s in the u.s. air force. he put the suit together. you see him at a school but he put it together from stuff in the garage. he built his own suit. took him ten months to do it. has three kids. his 6-year-old helped him to put it together. why would he do this? it turns out he will use it for charity purposes and speak to children and make people feel good.