Giving up the deserving and undeserving poor dichotomy
The PWE (Charity’s Plimsoll line, or the heartless bastard’s chorus)
He who would not work, may he then not eat. / If at labour he would waver may he then not eat! / He who seeks to shirk, may he then not eat. / May his hunger be unbounded, appetite unsated, / lest he despise the working life and strain by him be hated. / He who would not sweat, may he then not eat, / who will not action beget may he then not eat. / He who wills to slothful be, may he then not eat. / He who stays abed from indifference or conceit / may such a one be empty, his gullet ne’er replete. / Mercy oft is granted in cases truly known, / but none will line the stomach of one lazy to the bone. Barry Gittins