The Philippine Economic Zona Authority (PEZA) will temporarily shift its transactions to online while conducting mass swab testing for all its personnel and disinfection of its offices amid the rising number of COVID-19 infections in Metro Manila.
(Jansen Romero / File photo / MANILA BULLETIN) I
At least three multinational firms are seen undertaking massive expansions in their operations in the country, mostly involving electronics manufacturing and medical projects in the economic zones.
Philippine Economic Zone Authority These firms include existing electronics investors Amkor, Murat
For continuously generating employment and conducting skills development programs at the height of the pandemic, Japan Tobacco Inc.’s (JTI) manufacturing arm, JTI Asia Manufacturing Corp (JTI-AMC) has been conferred anew by the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) the PEZA Outstanding Employer Award for 2020. This is the second consecutive year…
AlHuda CIBE FZ LLE UAE & Philippine Economic Zone Authority will work together for the development of Islamic banking and finance in Philippines AlHuda Centre of Islamic Banking and Economics (AlHuda-CIBE) and Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) have signed a MoU in Dubai- UAE. The MoU was signed by Mr. Muhammad Zubair Mughal, CEO, AlHuda-CIBE and Hon BGen Charito B.
Japanese investments at the various economic zones in the country have reached P727.679 billion, the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) reported. At the virtual Global Biz Forum featuring Japan, PEZA Director General Charito B. Plaza said there are 962 Japanese locator companies out of its 4