This brutal Sindel combo from ComboGodGaming can deal 100% damage against most characters in Mortal Kombat 11 Posted by Justin AdaptiveTrigger Gordon • 4 hours, 46 minutes ago • Comments: 1
ComboGodGaming has also uploaded a combo that deals a little over 1,000 points of damage while using Sindel. Against characters with 1,000 life or lower, this is 100% of their life bar.
Like with ComboGodGaming s previous combos, this sequence has to be performed on the Chaotian Age stage. This is due to the fact that there are interactables on the far right portion of the stage that are necessary to keep the combo going for longer than what is normally possible.
We've already seen the absolutely insane damage potential that's available to Kotal Kahn and Shang Tsung thanks to ComboGodGaming. This individual was able to achieve damage that was well above 100% damage against any character in Mortal Kombat .