fearing fatal reprisals from the taliban. president biden has said us troops could remain in afghanistan beyond his deadline of the end of the month. and he insisted no americans will be left behind in kabul. the first of our reports comes from our north america correspondent, david willis. in the afghan capital, people, scared and desperate are still trying to flee the country. the taliban are coming for me, this girl cries. one of hundreds pressed to the gates of kabul airport in the hope ofjoining a flight out. president biden continues to blame the chaos on the craven capitulation of the afghan government and conceded it might not be possible to complete the american withdrawal by the deadline in two weeks time. americans should understand that trips that troops might have to be there beyond the 31st of august?
are. sorry to interrupt you. we have been reporting around these issues about documentation and what people are being told around the airport. in terms of the work that you do, to what extent are you able to continue with that aid work? and what it is the situation for your female colleagues, family and friends? we are colleagues, family and friends? 9 are trying our best. kabul was the last to collapse. people from areas that collapsed earlier have come to kabul. people were a lovely park and other public places. were all over the park. we were able to
saying this morning, they will have slightly longer to do it if president biden, as he suggested in an interview last night, is willing to maintain a presence in kabul, particularly at the apple, for longer than he was originally saying. the timetable of august the 31st was the existing timetable done during may this year, i think, when the americans slipped when they were originally going to leave. that was going to be in may. i think the key here is, you know, things are changing rapidly, that is why to me every hour counts. that s why i am putting in another company of soldiers today to help with public order to get it through. if at the end of the day we are allowed to stay longer, or we can stay longer, then that is a real benefit to us all. chris, in terms of dominic rav, how much pressure do you think he is under over that? much pressure do you think he is under overthat? == much pressure do you think he is under over that? much pressure do you think he is under over that? . .,
carrying refugees from afghanistan has landed at a uk airport. president biden says us troops could remain in afghanistan beyond the end of august, passing his deadline for withdrawal. labour has accused the foreign secretary, dominic raab, of a dereliction of duty after reports he declined to phone his afghan counterpart to seek help airlifting interpreters out of afghanistan. but the government has defended his actions. the only problem last week was not a phone call to an afghan government that was melting away and had almost didn t have any h. the number one challenge at the end of last week was whether the airport would continue to fly, allow planes to fly out, and those people we were getting up, would they be allowed to getting up, would they be allowed to get out? the largest survey of covid infection in the uk has found that both the pfizer and astrazeneca vaccines are still offering good protection against the delta variant.
people will have to understand that we re going to try to get it done before then. but if you don t. we will determine at the time who is left. and? and if there s american citizens left we re going to stay until we get them all out. this administration discretion has brokered a deal with the taliban to allow civilians safe passage to us flights, but with checkpoints throughout the city, bottlenecks are bound and the remit of these us soldiers doesn t extend beyond the airport perimeter. the taliban are in and around kabul right now but they are not interfering with our operation. through the state department, the taliban are facilitating the safe passage to the airport for american citizens, that is us passport holders. despite its conciliatory tone few believe the taliban will tolerate any challenge to its leadership. a number of demonstrators were reportedly shot dead in the eastern city