Mayco Member for Human Settlements Councillor Carl Pophaim handed 58 title deeds from the City over to beneficiaries and their families in Lourensia Park, Somerset West on Friday 6 October.
A recent site visit by the City of Cape Town’s Mayoral Committee member for Water and Sanitation, Councillor Zahid Badroodien, highlighted the sewage issues experienced by residents who live in the Robyn Island Informal Settlement in Nomzamo, Strand.
Blocked drains and streets full of sewage are issues that residents of Nomzamo face on a daily basis, but it has now become so bad that some businesses have had to temporarily close their doors and residents are tired of living like this.
This dire situation spurred on a group of residents to take part in a peaceful march last week on Friday (30 June).
Today (Wednesday 21 June) marks almost two weeks to the date since torrential rains started to batter the Helderberg, causing the Lourens River to burst its banks, overflowing canals and street closures as locals continue to deal with related infrast
A 32-year-old woman survived a severe knife attack on a notoriously dangerous open field in George Park, Strand late last Tuesday afternoon (25 April) while on her way home from work.