female presiding bishop in 2006. he gave an address that had references of dr. king, had references of the black tradition, the black church tradition, something martin i m sure is not typically heard inside of an anglican church. it was sensational. in a real sense, bar act and michelle obama were present. their spirit, to engage this artist artistry, to evoke dr. king, to talk with such passion about love as a force, channelling john lennon about imagining a better world.
of subpoenaing the president if he doesn t willingly agree for an interview. giuliani said today the special counsel does not have the authority to enforce that subpoena. more fighting words on this issue. and i ve had attorneys weighing in on that as well, as to whether or not their suggestion was he would have to actually react to the subpoena, but he could take the fifth. so mueller wouldn t be getting something either way. okay, jeff bennett. thank you for that. joining me now, betsy woodruff and erin delmore, senior political correspondent for bustle.com. ladies, always good to see you both. betsy, what s the likelihood the president would go against his lawyer s advice and submit to an interview with mueller? ultimately, i think the likelihood is no. we can safely assume that giuliani s public comments are channelling if not the president s state of mind then at least his mood. there s no way giuliani would be going on fox ripping into the special counsel and criticizing mu
treated like some kind of villain, and i think he was just being a good lawyer. personal reasons but it was right before the election. m mtz. and a second interview which undercuts the idea that it s a personal notion. if being on fmt that the payment was made in the first place. the interesting thing about giuliani, you would think that you would want as a legal front person wh person, sbomeone who is very careful are we talking about the same guy? the president is channelling to the united states through rudy giuliani. that s very true.
world. now, at the same time, i want to be able because i think it s very important to get along with russia, to get along with china, to get along with vietnam, to get along with lots of countries. it s a big country, it s a nuclear country. it s a country we should get along with, and i think we will eventually get along with russia. one more cut for you. this is donald trump sort of channelling what he believes is his, i guess, superpower. nobody knows the system better than me. which is why i alone can fix it. can you explain to me, what is it about donald trump s sort of affinity for the strong man character? of the many ways people can describe donald trump, always to me if you have to get one word,
again, as a president criticizing as disgraceful his own attorney general in a tweet for a decision that he has made that seemed perfectly reasonable and certainly co lly comports w sessions notion about the serious allegations about abuse. i have never seen anything like this. you have never seen anything like this. the president wants every official to aid and abet his telling of his story of obama abuses and trump innocence. anybody who is not on that train, he will slam. we should basically just point out that he is channelling what he has just seen on fox news. look, there s a telephone. it s possible to call your ag and talk to your ag. the fact that he is doing is publically, it s meant to pub public pressure on sessions. we will leave it there.