Surat Police on Friday detained CGST Division Superintendent, Rakesh Sharma, along with his contracted driver, Kailash, and friend Raj, for allegedly orchestrating a fraudulent GST raid at a Chaniya Choli trader's shop here in the old Bombay .
MUMBAI: Pariva Pranati who plays Vandana Wagle in Sony SAB’s Wagle Ki Duniya shares, “During Navratri, I love how Mumbai is completely adorned out in lights! |
By Madiha Faiyaz India is a land of diverse cultures. Everything here is unique. Diversity is seen in almost every aspect of life. Be it religion or food, a wide variety is seen everywhere. The language here changes every 20 km. This makes India one of the most colorful and beautiful countries in the world. One such Hindu festival which is celebrated here is Navaratri. India