by the speaker-elect s office, john boehner. one of the things that struck me was that he said this is a reminder, this election is a reminder that what we have, the power we have, is on loan from the american people. so he s really kind of stressing in the remarks. we re going to hear from him today that this is really temporary and something that republicans kind of need to treat with respect because the tides could change again. and brianna, i ve heard that some skyline chile from cincinnati has been flown in for the festivities this week. and one sign of the times, if you use google, you may know this, brianna. and google, nancy pelosi, no longer is her web site if you if go to that, belongs to john boehner, part of the changi changing of the guard. reporter: it is, and she changed her twitter handle to nobel peace prize, a to nanc