People searching for clips on the adult video platform Pornhub using keyword such as “classroom,” “graduate student” and “real person” might end up with calculus lessons provided by Taiwanese mathematics teacher Chang Hsu (張旭).
Chang has attracted 1.9 million views and nearly 7,000 subscribers to his channel since its launch last year, bringing him international attention and interview requests from the adult Web site.
“I knew this day would come,” the 34-year-old told the Central News Agency. “People get intrigued if you do special things in special places.”
In his roughly 230 videos, Chang can be seen fully clothed in his trademark gray
Taipei, Nov. 2 (CNA) If you search for videos using hashtags like "classroom," "graduate student" and "real person" on adult video platform Pornhub these days, you may end up with hardcore calculus lessons provided by Taiwanese math teacher Chang Hsu (張旭).
/ Staff writer, with CNAPeople searching for clips on the adult video platform Pornhub using keyword such as “classroom,” “graduate student” and “real person” might end up with calculus lessons provided by Taiwanese mathematics teacher Chang Hsu (張旭).
Dressed nondescriptly in a plain t-shirt, a bespectacled man scribbling complicated formulas on a chalkboard in Mandarin is the last thing you would associate an adult entertainment website with. But with more than 1.6 million video views, a math teacher in Taiwan is an unlikely celebrity on Pornhub proving that smart is the new sexy. Despite his recent claim.