Panties found in 600 litres of illicit brew in Mlolongo operation May 28th 2021 at 12:00:00 GMT +0300
In a surprise raid on illicit alcoholic brews in Mlolongo Phase 3 area of Machakos county last week, police and irate residents destroyed busaa and chang’aa during which they found used innerwears soaked in the drums of busaa.
The police, acting on a tip from local residents, raided the homestead of Josephine Moraa where they netted 600 litres of busaa and 60 litres of chang’aa concealed in several 100 litres containers.
A resident said there was rampant sale of illicit brews within the town and called on the government to ban .
Panties don’t make chang’aa, afandes ‘plant them during raids’ May 28th 2021 at 14:30:00 GMT +0300
If you have witnessed busaa and chang’aa raids in Nairobi slums and other regions of late, you could not have missed to notice that authorities will fish out old underwears, lizards or bones from the hidden drums used in brewing.
These among other paraphernalia are not the recipes for local brews but is a trick used by the brewers to pull the partakers to flock to their dens daily to sip their favourite glass of chang’aa or tin of the frothy busaa.
A former brewer in Nairobi’s Shauri Moyo estate, currently running a rehabilitation programmeclaims that during such raids, some of the chiefs and police officers plant the paraphernalia so as to drive the narrative that the drinks are adulterated or produced with ulterior motive.