As revealed by mass director Gopichand Malineni during the song launch of Maa Bava Manobhavalu Debbathinnayi, the pre-release event of Veera Simha Reddy starring God of masses Natasimha Nandamuri Balakrishna will be held in Ongole on January 6th. On the same day, the film’s theatrical trailer will be launched. Meanwhile, the film’s making video has been released. Although
Tollywood star Nandamuri Balakrishna, popularly known by his initials NBK, and director Gopichand Malineni's mass action entertainer 'Veera Simha Reddy' is warming up for a Sankranti release on January 12, 2023.The team is .
The makers of director Gopichand Malineni's upcoming film, which is tentatively being referred to as 'NBK107' and which features popular actor Balakrishna in the lead, have announced that the movie's title will be announced .