Accessed through the Flexcel NX Print Suite for flexible packaging, the technology addresses and controls unwanted ink spread to allow a wider operating window - maximizing efficiency, repeatability, and overall performance on press.
Accessed through the FLEXCEL NX Print Suite for Flexible Packaging, the technology addresses and controls unwanted ink spread to allow a wider operating window - maximizing efficiency, repeatability, and overall performance on press.
The IFCA Star Awards 2021 was hosted in December 2021 at Pragati Maidan in New Delhi. IFCA received 130+ entries for all categories of the Star Awards. The award winners were: UFlex who picked up a record 18 awards; while Huhtamaki India bagged four IFCA Star Awards.
The IFCA Star Awards 2021 was hosted in December, 2021 at Pragati Maidan in New Delhi. IFCA received 130+ entries for all categories of the Star Awards. The award winners were: Uflex Ltd who picked up a record 18 awards; while Huhtamaki India bagged four IFCA Star Awards.