In a major relief to IAS officer Srilakshmi, Telangana High Court on Tuesday quashed the chargesheet filed against her in connection with the Obulapuram Mining Company case. The chargesheet was filed by the CBI on March 30, 2012, under Section 173(8) of the CrPC in CC No. 1 of 2012 and has been pending on the files of the special judge of CBI court in Hyderabad. The CBI has
A Hyderabad court on Wednesday sent the only major accused in Jubilee Hills gang rape case to police custody for three days.Though police sought custody of the accused, Saduddin Malik, 18, for seven days, the Nampally Criminal Court only .
Hyderabad: Nampally Criminal Court on Wednesday gave the major accused in Jubilee Hills gangrape case to three days police custody while the police had sought custody of the accused Saduddin Malik (18) for seven days. Saduddin Malik is currently lodged in Chanchalguda Jail. The police will take Malik in custody on Thursday from the jail. It may be noted here that Malik is
The Congress party will unveil its plans for Telangana s agriculture sector at the public meeting to be addressed by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi at Warangal on Friday evening. 📰 Congress Leader Rahul Gandhi To Announce Poll Promises for Telangana Farmers at Public Meeting in Warangal.