On Wednesday, Chancellor of Justice Ülle Madise will propose an amendment to the Acquisition of Immovables in Public Interest Act to the Riigikogu. The proposed change would ensure that in situations where the state acquires property in the public interest, property owners are not forced to pay for a comparative valuation out of their own pocket should there be a dispute about the amount of compensation offered.
A group of parents submitted a complaint to Chancellor of Justice Ülle Madise against a school that decided to switch its third grade classes to a separate, second shift due to a lack of space. The justice chancellor found that the school did not violate students' rights by doing so.
Chancellor of Justice Ülle Madise has criticized the holding of a Narva city council session, which took place predominantly in the Russian language, earlier this month.
Less than two weeks after Estonia's Chancellor of Justice declared it unconstitutional that ADHD drugs aren't available to all adults at the same discount, dozens of people's prescriptions were suddenly being rung up for cheap. The Estonian Health Insurance Fund (EHIF) is blaming a technical glitch, but many are hoping the change will stay.
The Chancellor of Justice has proposed bringing into conformity with the Constitution a regulation issued by the minister of social affairs according to which prescription drugs used to treat ADHD currently aren't available at a discount to insured adults in Estonia who were diagnosed with ADHD after turning 20.