Grammy Award-winning musician and Liberty University alumnus Toby McKeehan (’88) better known as “TobyMac” returned to campus on Friday to reminisce about his time as a student and provide advice to those sitting in the same seats he.
Liberty University welcomed President Dondi Costin to the Convocation stage on Wednesday to give his first formal address to the student body. He shared his testimony and delivered a message on the importance of leaning into God’s calling.
Residents in Lynchburg and the surrounding areas can expect to see more college students walking campuses, as first-year and upperclassmen have officially moved in.
About 4,300 freshmen and several family members gathered in the Vines Center Friday morning to hear from Liberty leaders, including President Dondi Costin and Chancellor Jonathan Falwell, at New Student Convocation. The event is a tradition each semester that helps.
As Liberty University began welcoming incoming students to campus on Wednesday morning, the newcomers echoed a common theme in their hopes for college life: establishing community. This community was seen firsthand on move-in day when student leadership teams cheered enthusiastically.