[speaking latin] translator Brothers And Sisters the lords resurrection of the easter vigil brings the joy of life through the rise of the lord and in canadian with all disciples through the side of water let us remember our baptism that we may participate in the eucharist with the message of life. Holy father is now sprinkling with water around him. Making the sign of the across with holy water should we have holy water in our homes. Translator media mighty god cleanses of our sins of the eucharist make us worthy to share at the table of the kingdom. A man. [speaking latin] translator on this day three your Only Begotten Son have conquered death and unlock trust the past three trinity. Grant we pray we who keep the lords resurrection made through the renewal brought by your spirit, rise up in the light of life. Reading from the apostles proclaimed in spanish. [speaking spanish] translator Peter Address Cornelius you must have heard of the recent happenings in judaica of Jesus Of Nazar
strangely ended lights own champions sl slain. tell us mary what do you see upon the way? i saw christ s glory as he rose. the angels there are a testing with the shreve close resting my hope has risen who comes and goes before you into galilee that christ is truly risen from the dead victorious king diversey.