On August 18, the leaders of the U.S., Japan, and South Korea will meet for a historic trilateral summit at Camp David. Here’s why it’s important for the private sector.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Two months ago, the Biden Administration published its 2022 National Defense Strategy, which issues a clear warning to malign forces around the world continuing to exert their will in an attempt to undermine global U.S. influence and alliances. These adverse influences are increasingly present in the Indo-Pacific. Against this context, Japan’s announcement of its new National Security Strategy, National Defense Strategy, and Defense Buildup Program to reflect changing conditions—including deploying counterstrike capability should it come under attack—marks a significant improvement in its national security posture.“The U.S. Chamber of Commerce commends Japan’s new strategy as a significant step forward for the nation in providing for its self-defense,” said Keith Webster, President of the U.S. Chamber’s Defense and Aerospace Council.Tomoko Mullaney, Executive Director of the Chamber’s U.S.-Japan Business Co