Let us pray. Dear chaplain conroy let us pray. Dear lord, we give you thanks for giving us another day. At the beginning of a new workweek, we use this moment to be reminded of your presence and to tap the resources needed by the members of this peoples house to do their work as well as it can be done. May they be led by your spirit in the decisions they make. May they possess your power as they steady themselves amid the pressures of persistent problems. May their faith in you deliver from them wear them down. All this week and through the week may they do their best to find solutions to pressing issues facing our nation. Please, hasten the day when justice and love shall dwell in the hearts of all peoples and rule the affairs of the nations of earth. May all that is done this day be for your greater honor and glory. Amen. The speaker pro tempore the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. Pursuant to clause 1 of rul
It will replace three aircraft all of which are 23 years old. The f18 sunday 86 b20 seven. And you have looked at the missions of all of these and you are satisfied that these missions are going to be the mat with this change in getting rid of the older but the f18 will be capable . Its important to point out that this doesnt replace the f18 aviator b. A. Six. Its a transformational capability. He will do everything those three aircraft will do but also in terms of information it will do a significant amount more for the task force. You talked about at merck admiral greenert you talked about the pilots who have a pilot shortage. You have talked to the air force and the problems they are having right now. Are your problem similar to that . What happens is people get deployed. They are flying all the time. In fact they are flying so much working up quickly to go on deployment some of them say i cant get it will done in the mummy come back we shut down. They said around here and they look
Eleanor Holmes Martin davis, and the senators son played tribute to him at the service. From the national cuathedralcathedral. This is an hour. And everyone who has lived shall not die forever. As for me i know that he earned this and at the last he will stand upon the earth. After my awakening, he will raise me up and in my body i shall see god. I myself shall see and my eyes behold him who is my friend and not a stranger. For none of us have life in himself and none become his own master when he dies. For if we have life we are alive in the lord and if we die we die in the lord. So then whether we live or die we are the lords possession. Happy from now on are those who die in the lord. So it is says the spirit for they shall rest from their labors. On behalf of Washington Cathedral and all who serve it is my privilege to welcome you to the service as we gather to remember and celebrate a life welllived. Washington National Cathedral seeks to be a spiritual home for the nation as such
Well this teacher took that letter of recommendation and brought it to the school he applied to work at in West Virginia, got hired and over time became the principal. Well these kinds of pedophiles, they dont change their ways and he didnt change his ways in West Virginia. He continued to prey on kids. Eventually he raped and then murdered a 12yearold boy named jeremy bell. Well justice eventually caught up with the killer and hes now serving a life sentence for that murder. But for little jeremy bell, that justice came too late and sadly, jeremy bell is not alone. Last year, mr. President we had 459 School Employees across america arrested for Sexual Misconduct with the very children theyre supposed to be protecting and teaching and caring for. Thats more than one per day. And those are just the ones where there was enough evidence to actually prosecute to make an arrest and to pursue charges. How many others are getting away with this . And, frankly 2015 is not off to a much better
That the fisc took in response, which included orders that were not simply things that were proposed by the government, but that is a general recognition. You seem to assure us that there is a special needs problem. That is what you have let us know. You were pushed i see this with more than all due respect i am not saying it is a bad thing, but all of this stuff that we now know and we dont know what we do not know all this stuff we now know is as part of a political reaction to the understanding that this program was in practice. Isnt that so . Arent you arguing a good deal from material that was classified until a june ago and made public as a reaction to that . Mr. Delery certainly, that is true that there is now information public, in the public realm, that had not been public before. But this program, and i think this is the critical aspect of the congressional design, was subject to article 3 review from the beginning by operation of the fisc which was a body that congress set u