A 22-year-old man from Delhi was booked for raping a 19-year-old college girl in Surat, recording her nude videos, and posting them online. The accused was also charged with unnatural sex, criminal intimidation, and violations of the Information Technology Act. The survivor's complaint detailed how she was drugged, raped, and blackmailed with the videos, leading to multiple assaults. Recent articles on similar incidents have sparked outrage across different regions.
In a recent ruling, the Supreme Court reiterated that the burden of proving applicability of exclusionary clauses in insurance contracts is on the insurer and such clauses must be interpreted strictly.
A 42-year-old man, who served nine years and three months in jail on rape charges, was arrested in Sundargarh district for allegedly killing his 55-year-old aunt. The motive behind the murder was related to his previous rape conviction. The incident occurred during a village feast where he attacked the woman with a stick and stone.