Cost Breakthrough in Department of Energy Loan Guarantees
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The Alternative Fuels & Chemicals Coalition (“AFCC”) worked closely with policy makers and appropriators this year to provide changes to the U.S. Department of Energy (“DOE”)’s Title XVII Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program (the “Title XVII Program”), which were realized through the recent enactment of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021.
This bipartisan package will foster innovation across the board on a range of technologies that are critical to our energy and national security, our long-term economic competitiveness, and the protection of our environment. WASHINGTON (PRWEB) December 31, 2020 The Alternative Fuels & Chemicals Coalition (“AFCC”) (founded by Mark J. Riedy, Partner, Kilpatrick Townsend Stockton and AFCC General Counsel, CJ Evans, Managing Director, American Diversified Energy and AFCC Execu