Mark Finchem gets an Ethics Complaint and Arizona Republicans are Financially Cut Off From Donors
Home » Mark Finchem gets an Ethics Complaint and Arizona Republicans are Financially Cut Off From Donors
Not many people in the world of reality are buying Know Nothing-Coup Plotter Mark Finchem’s pitiful explanations about his part in the January 6, 2021, Trumpist Domestic Terrorist Insurrectionist Attack on the Nation’s Capitol.
As Larry Bodine,AZ Blue Meanie, and this writer, have reported, recall efforts and calls for investigations on one or all of these individuals have only intensified since January 6, 2021.
Finchem gets slapped with an Ethics Complaint.
It is time for members of the Arizona Republican Party to decide what people they want to lead them.
In their reactions to the attempted insurrection by Trumpist mobs at the nation’s capital, current Republican Party Chairperson Kelli Ward and Legislative District 11 State Representative Mark Finchem disgraced themselves and clearly showed that they should not be entrusted with any leadership positions.
These examples especially stand out.
This is simply bull fecal matter. What could have prevented this is people like Ms. Ward and Donald Trump not spoonfeeding their unhinged base two months of baseless lies about fraud and a rigged election. Trump and his enablers (like Rudy Giluani who called for trial by combat) that spoke at the rally that sparked the attempted coup that resulted in four deaths should be held accountable.