clearances as a professional courtesy or to keep an unbroken line for the next successor administration if you be helpful with respect to national security. he has proven neither. in fact, is he a cable news pundit now. and he is not just critical of the administration, it turns out chairman burr, that s beside the point, really. chairman burr made very clear that if john brennan felt he had information about collusion in the campaign, which, of course, he doesn t, why doesn t he make it a part of his testimony and what he has submitted to the committee? why is he doing it in the new york times op-ed? why is he screaming about it on a lower rated cable network? because that s where he is making his money now. so, i know it says former cia director. what is he doing currently to merit that security clearance? this is not about being a critic of the president there is a loft people, especially on social media yapping, clapping and slapping at the president and his defenders and his
intelligence agency. we ve heard a number of other folks dismiss this criminal deep state nonsense. in terms of long term effects, as a guy who is part of this so-called criminal deep state, what is the long term effect to institutions like this when the president uses language like that? well, of course time will tell. but it is not going to be a positive effect. i think we know that for sure. jake is right, there is normally a tension, often a tension between the branches with respect to what congress has a need to know, a right to know about ongoing operations for example. but those tensions are generally resolved again with the executive branch being unified in terms of what it believes congress does need to know and with respect to congress they are resolved in a bipartisan way. on the senate side of things in recent months, in the intelligence committee led by chairman burr and vice chairman
warner, the fbi and doj generally would oftentimes disagree with the chair and vice chair about certain things and about what should be briefed. what we always worked things out at the end, we had very, very sense discussions sometimes. but we always worked it out and it was always chairman burr and vice chafr mirman warner workin things out in a bipartisan way with the department. and that is why you you don t see the drama on the senate side that we re seeing on the house side. this really is troubling. gentlemen, thank you. so going back to this breaking news that kelly o shared with us off the top, this is president trump just a few moments ago in the oval office issuing a full posthumous pardon to boxer jack johnson. this is the president surrounded by a number of vips and boxing legends there. lennox lewis.
its oversight and legislative responsibilities? i do. four, will you both ensure that your office and your staff provide such materials to the committee when requested? i will. and five, do you agree to inform and fully brief to the fullest extent possible all members of the committee of intelligence activities and covert action rather than only the chair and the vice chairman? i do. thank you very much. we ll now proceed to your opening statement, miss haspel. the floor is yours. thank you, mr. chairman. chairman burr, vice chairman warner and members of the committee, thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today. i want to thank senators chambless and bye, i would like
that your office and your staff provide such materials to the committee when requested? i will. and five, do you agree to inform and fully brief to the fullest extent possible all members of the committee of intelligence activities and covert action rather than only the chair and the vice chairman? i do. thank you very much. we ll now proceed to your opening statement, miss haspel. the floor is yours. thank you, mr. chairman. chairman burr, vice chairman warner and members of the committee. thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today. i want to thank senators chambliss and bahy for the kind words and support and take a moment to recognize a few guests who have come today, including principle deputy director of national intelligence and my good friend