Last Friday Hon. Dolores Balderamos Garcia, Minister of Human Development, Families & Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs, followed the footsteps of her boss, the Prime Minister, by disrespecting the duly elected Chairlady of Hattievillie, Ms. Sylvana Barrow. Dolores got caught on an open microphone referring to the Hatteville Chairlady, as a ‘wretch.’ It occurred during a virtual forum that was being held via Zoom, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the organization named Promoting Empowerment Through Awareness For Les/Bi Women (PETAL).
Being that Dolores is the Minister under whose portfolio women’s affairs and empowerment falls, one would have expected, that Dolores would have been obliged to promptly make a sincere apology to Chairlady Barrow, the women of Belize, the people of Hattievillie, PETAL and to her cabinet colleagues. However, she chose to make a rather condescending apology- and of all days, she did so on International Women’s Day. The following is what Dolores tr