LNC At-Large Member Rich Bowen has resigned from the LNC. Rich Bowen Sep 1, 2023 to lnc-business This email is to formally notify the LNC board that I’m resigning my position as an At Large Representative and all subcommittees effective immediately. I want to thank the delegates of the Libertarian…
For what they did, see below. The LNC ExComm met this Meeting. Everyone other than Mr. Heyman was present. There were an extremely large number of other attendees, close to two dozen. Mr. Nekhaila moved to take the Executive Committee into executive session, with the LNC's attorney invited to attend…
LNC Special Meeting on New Mexico National Chair McArdle has announced she is calling a special meeting on the Libertarian Party's New Mexico affiliate. Her announcement follows. Our sources indicate you are seeing a recycle of the Traditional Libertarian/Mises Caucus dispute. Angela McArdle wrote on the LNC public list Hello everyone, Unfortunately, I have to