VeChain Blockchain for Recording Quality and Validity in COVID Vaccination
VeChain Blockchain for Recording Quality and Validity in COVID Vaccination
January 7, 2021
VeChain has facilitated for the first global use case in terms of vaccinations. Some of the users feel that this use case will trigger a bullish trend for VET.
VeChain Foundation tweeted: “The first 100 COVID-19 vaccination records for medical personnel at The Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus are now securely stored on the VeChain public blockchain. With this tech, govs and individuals are assured of the quality and validity of results.
It is worth checking the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus’ Digital Certificate concerning the vaccinations against Covid-19 via E-HCert Application to understand the process better.
The Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus, one of the country’s largest private health facilities, is storing its COVID-19 vaccination records on VeChain offering another compelling use case for the supply chain logistics platform.
As of Monday, 100 doctors and personnel had received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, the hospital said in a news release. The vaccinated personnel also received a digital certificate on their E-HCert App, an electronic wallet for lab results based on the VeChain Thor blockchain.
The digital certificates are “another step towards digital transformation of the healthcare industry via VeChainThor Blockchain,” the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus said.
VeChain Foundation (VET) Moving Traditional Companies from 20th to 21st Century
VeChain Foundation (VET) Moving Traditional Companies from 20th to 21st Century
January 1, 2021
VeChain Foundation have pointed to the fact that they have been having product development at the forefront of their activities despite the global pandemic. They have pointed to how they have had an impressive growth during 2020. They are looking forward to an exciting 2021.
Throughout 2020, VeFam have been focused on what truly matters. The transactions on VeChain costs less than a cent to send a simple transaction. They are on a POA consensus mechanism as well. The POA is more advanced than POS, less susceptible to large holders coming to dominate block production.