substantial part of it. where is the administration this morning, where is president trump this morning? where is his position given now people are asking him questions about whether he s a russian agent and given there are signs he abskonded with interpreter s notes with his conversation with vladimir putin. it doesn t help him at all. this is crazy. this is something out of a dime store novel. the fact the u.s. government suspects the president of being a russian agent. it s incredible. you go back and look at trump s twitter timeline which is always the surest way into understanding what trump is thinking. beginning last night he began tweeting all kinds of things meant to distract. jeff bezos divorce, an old instagram video of elizabeth warren, and this morning he erroneously tweeted he was heading to a farm convention in nashville. he s actually going to new orleans. it seemed as though he s throwing out chaff to try to
there focusing on that funding crisis and he has more than the funding crisis to deal with. members of his cabinet have been leaving left and right and just within the past month, the white house has announced the resignation of naikki haley, jon kelly and defense secretary james mattis. we have chris lu back with us, republican strategist rick tyler and jay newton small. this list of acting staff, we have acting chaff chaff, acting attorney general, acting epa administrat administrator, this is quite a few temporary positions. does it hurt getting things
of the united states. the trump era routinely leave miss observers grasping for historical precedent. as you could hear, senator schumer thinks this is the most chaotic presidency in american history. personally, i m pretty sure andrew johnson among others has trump beat but in a week that does feel profoundly ominous, how should we think about where this president and this country are at this particular moment? joining me now, michael beschloss, nbc news presidential historian, author of the new book presidents of war and eleanor quip who covers politics for the daily beast. eleanor, it s always hard with this president to separate the wheat from the chaff, the trivial from the profound. the mattis level felt like a big de deal. did it feel like a big deal to you? very much feels like a big deal. in the green room talking to michael i said could i compare it to washington s farewell letter? he said well, that s a little
followers to sort of tell you what they are really thinking. more importantly, i think there s a lot of people in this country who don t necessarily identify as strong trump voters, who don t talk about it because it s not polite at a cocktail party, unkchl at the country club and not what you want to talk about at the faculty room at school. there s a great amount of underreporting. i do believe what stephanie said, women are angry and highly motivated to come out and vote. there s a lot of people in this country who saw the ugliness of this battle and it s not as clear as that. i talk to women all the time who say yes it makes me angry but other things make me angry besides this. i do think women are very smart consumers, smarter than us gentlemen most of the time and very good at separating the wheat from the chaff. stephanie, the democrats just lost big time in this kavanaugh
chaff, if you will, more blood in the water here, more anything to stop this process. mcconnell says that ends this week. you said regardless. does that include a scenario where jeff flake says, i don t think they did a full investigation here, or susan collins saying that or senator murkowski saying that? it s tough to imagine how that would play out. the real pressure point here was on that committee vote. now, again, mcconnell doesn t have the votes right now, right? that s the deal that was struck here. you had flake saying he wouldn t vote until we had this one-week investigation. but remember, right before he said that, he said he was a yes. so, jeff flake is someone that we should consider as inclined to vote yes on this nomination, unless this investigation turns up something otherwise. i think we should also assume his starting position is that it won t, right? that he was a yes, that he wants the investigation. at the end of the week, if there s nothing that shows up, it