Oct. 6, 1947-June 4, 2023 Minot Dean Hammer, 75 of Williston, passed away of natural causes at the farm he loved in rural Bergen, North Dakota on Sunday e
Netherlands offers at least 16 weeks of mandated, fully paid maternity leave and up to six weeks of paid paternity leave, plus unpaid parental leave that can be taken up until the child turns eight,
#CESEEnews | CTP to build network of logistic parks in Poland, plans to invest EUR 200 million in 2021
Mihai Cristea 04/02/2021 | 19:38
“Poland is not only the largest economy in CEE; its strategic location and proximity to Germany also make it a logistics hotspot,” explains Remon Vos, CEO of CTP.
“As we start construction in Warsaw and Katovice, we keep exploring other locations in Poland to build hi-tech, sustainable parks for our 700 clients. The demand we are seeing for logistics and industrial property in the Warsaw area and other large Polish cities is immense.”
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