international community school and i m glad the students have the support of our staff and each other during this time. chad, thank you for all you re doing in atlanta. chad velde-cabrera, appreciate your role. up next, we ll discuss the fear across the country and new reflections from the clinton campai campaign about why she lost. here who s getting a big part of that blame. i m brooke baldwin, you re watching cnn. we asked people to write down the things they love to do most on these balloons. travel with my daughter. roller derby. now give up half of em. do i have to? this is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. but, if we start saving even just 1% more of our annual income. we could keep doing all the things we love. prudential. bring your challenges.
students will be experiencing a lot of different feelings on wednesday and i told them they needed to create space for students to talk with each other, let students share one at a time, sit down and write what they re feeling. so they have to express what s going on and they have to know we as their administrators, we care for them and will keep them safe. students are afraid. talk a little bit more about the fear. have you seen, though, also, any elation or walk me through the spectrum of emotions for these young people. wednesday morning i greet my students outside the school and kids came off the bus drying. nay came off the bus crying, came up to hug me. one student said mr. velde-cabrera, am i going to be sent back to my country? i don t want to go back to my country. so there was a lot of fear but i want to commend my teachers because they created that space and the teachers were assuring the students they re safe and won t be sent back and i ve seen