Chrissy Hicks, the mother of 14-year-old Yulia Hicks, said on Friday night that she was told by Duke hospital they could not give her unvaccinated daughter a transplant.
with continued use twice a day, every day. restasis® helps increase your eye s natural ability to produce tears, which may be reduced by inflammation due to chronic dry eye. restasis® did not increase tear production in patients using anti-inflammatory eye drops or tear duct plugs. to help avoid eye injury and contamination, do not touch bottle tip to your eye or other surfaces. wait 15 minutes after use before inserting contact lenses. the most common side effect is a temporary burning sensation. ask your eye care professional about restasis®. now to trick out these lights. visit to learn more. a north carolina man in need of a life saving kidney transplant will not get it because he refuses to be vaccinated. right now, chad carswell s