jersey to the federal ban on state-sanctioned sports begttti. so the idea that nevada gets this special carve-out, something new jersey wanted to cha en challenge, delaware as well, is not taken up by the supreme court. so nevada gets their monopoly on sports betting to live on for another day. up next, a look at the biggest races tomorrow. first our tdr soup of the day comes from ruth s deli in annapolis. today, of course, what else are you going to serve other than maryland crab soup. we ll be right back. ition, but we re not in the business of naming names. the fact is, it comes standard with an engine that s been called the benchmark of its class. really, guys, i thought. it also has more rear legroom than other midsize sedans. and the volkswagen passat has a lower starting price than. much better.
they wouldn t be risking their own political phil bryant wouldn t be doing an ad at the end, i don t think, risking their own political stature there on somebody that might lose. but also there s a lot of money at stake here in their estimation. real money, federal dollars. and i think it s fascinating that in the runoff, senator cochran has not moved to the right. if anything, he has moved to the left. he is making an argument on behalf of the federal government and the importance of the federal government. i was talking to a democrat down there this past weekend who said, you know, we haven t heard an argument like this made about the federal government since jimmy carter ran for president in 1976. and so that gives you an idea of kind of the spread and the gamble that senator cochran is taking. you know, it s interesting here with charlie rangel, thad cochran, both may lose and in fact if they do, does it mean the narrative it s not just a narrative that s alive and well