There no longer is any legal question Indiana s Lake Michigan shoreline is, and always has been, owned by the state, and continues to be held in trust by the state
he s good at that. very good at it. for hobby lobby, it seems as though anthony kennedy created this no coercion rule, that the state can t coerce people to believe something religiously that they don t believe. how do you take that no coercion rule and vote in the town of greece case to allow for prayer before town council. how do you take that no coercion rule? i found that scalia worked in a certiorari denial in a religious case dealing with graduation in a church, he was working toward trying to provoke the court into deciding the case because he wanted to use the no coercion rule which is not something that scalia believes in. in fact, he doesn t like the lemon test at all. he seemed to be sensing, at least in my reading, that anthony kennedy may be drifting