The Ohio Auditor’s Office listed 21 findings of noncompliance and/or internal control deficiency, plus one finding for recovery, in the 2020-21 Brushcreek Township audit released Tuesday, Dec. 5.
Executive Assistant, City of Quincy
Quincy native Stephanie Boorman started her career with the City of Quincy as a temporary secretary/receptionist, answering phones and greeting customers. That was nine years ago. The temp job led to a full-time job as the secretary/receptionist position, then administrative assistant in 2014, and, in 2017, as executive assistant.
Her duties include preparing council meeting agenda packets, processing city-wide public records requests, keeping the mayor and councilmembers updated and informed of city activities and to keep them in compliance with their responsibilities as elected officials.
She also is involved in the community, as chairwoman of the Dru Gimlin 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament and on the board for the Ben Horning Memorial Foundation, which holds the Beat the Beast run every year during Farmer-Consumer Awareness Day. She was elected as the 2021 Quincy Rotary Club president, which she regretfully stepped away from to focus on the upcom