By Mike Lewis
Residents and councillors fear a serious accident could happen on this stretch of the A478 just outside Cardigan. Picture: Google Street View. A CARDIGAN county councillor says she has been surprised there has not been a serious accident on the stretch of the A478 heading towards Cardigan. The section of highway, which includes the notorious Burton Bends, has been identified as a possible accident blackspot due to excessive vehicle speeds, ongoing roadworks and falling tree branches. Cllr Catrin Miles told colleagues Ceredigion County Council were aware of rising concerns and had considered the introduction of various traffic-calming measures aimed at reducing the speed of passing vehicles.
By Mike Lewis
Residents and councillors fear a serious accident could happen on this stretch of the A478 just outside Cardigan. Picture: Google Street View. A CARDIGAN county councillor says she has been surprised there has not been a serious accident on the stretch of the A478 heading towards Cardigan. The section of highway, which includes the notorious Burton Bends, has been identified as a possible accident blackspot due to excessive vehicle speeds, ongoing roadworks and falling tree branches. Cllr Catrin Miles told colleagues Ceredigion County Council were aware of rising concerns and had considered the introduction of various traffic-calming measures aimed at reducing the speed of passing vehicles.