Real estate industry body National Real Estate Development Council (NAREDCO) voiced that timely approval for projects by authorities has been a big challenge and noted that any delays should be addressed by the regulator Real Estate Regulatory Authority
agencies that we have to look gt at and say they re not going to get a dollar of taxpayer funding. and that has to be t the wayha t we attack this. congressman gates, when when you look at the full scope ofco what s happened to presidentgae trump since 2015, what is that?c what message is being really told to the world aboutd about america s criminal justice system? america given the obsession witt as the president said tonight, gettin saidg trump until this until this episode of america had moral the worl authority throughout the worlddt to be able to push back against despots and dictators that were jail, their political rivals and their predecessors. now, americals and enters a newa and it s a diminished era.a and it s one that i know president trump personally, deeply regrets fory the sake o our country, even if it s goodcn politically for the campaign. ah you heard president trump talk tonight about how the worldd vi would viewew