One does not need to be an etymologist to suggest that stocking consists of "stock-" and "-ing". The trouble is that though "-ing" occurs in some nouns, it looks odd in stocking. Few English words have more seemingly incompatible senses than stock.
While trying to solve etymological riddles, we often encounter references to sound-imitation where we do not expect them, but the core examples hold no surprise. It seems that nouns and verbs describing all kinds of noises should illustrate the role of onomatopoeia, and indeed, hum, ending in m, makes one think of quiet singing (crooning) and perhaps invites peace, while drum, with its dr-, probably evokes the idea of the noise associated with this instrument.
For a long time, the word "condom" was unprintable. Neither the original OED nor The Century Dictionary featured the word. Several venues for discovering the origin of "condom" have been tried. It surfaced in texts at the beginning of the eighteenth century, but we cannot be sure that the word was coined in England.
History snoopin’ in the wild can be a moderately dangerous endeavor.
A few years ago, I wrote about a couple of search safaris that went way off the beaten path (“Hazards of history snooping,” Sept. 2.