Tuesday s papers: Budget talks blocked, vaccine queue jumpers, and Väyrynen heads north
Tuesday morning s papers report on the sticking points that have sent the government s budget talks into a seventh day.
Politicians chatting with reporters outside the House of the Estates are a familiar site in Finland, where decision-makers congregate at the building to thrash out coalition issues. Annikka Saarikko (Cen) is the leader in this picture.
Image: Juha Kivioja / Yle
Iltalehti reports that the budget talks that remained deadlocked on Monday stalled over the principles of how to plough money towards people and companies engaged in peat-burning.
The climate-unfriendly energy source is dear to the hearts of the Centre Party, which wants extra tax breaks for peat burners to prop up the industry as carbon pricing makes it uneconomic.
Foreign Minister
Pekka Haavisto (Green) retains the confidence of parliament after MPs voted by 101-68 to support him over his actions in sidelining a civil servant who disagreed with him over repatriating Finnish children from the Al-Hol camp in Syria.
Haavisto had asked that
Pasi Tuominen, a senior official at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, be assigned new duties.
Tuominen had disagreed with the minister during the planning of an operation to assist Finnish children at the Al-Hol camp, which houses women and children who had been living in Isis-controlled areas of Syria.
After complaints by MPs from the National Coalition party, the Finns Party and the Christian Democratic party, parliament s Constitutional Law Committee an organ composed of MPs which exercises some of the functions of a constitutional court launched an investigation.