Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai accused individuals associated with the BJP of instigating the burning of firecrackers on Diwali, resulting in a sudden increase of over 100 points in the city s air quality index. Rai claimed that the firecrackers were sourced from Uttar Pradesh and Haryana, and individuals, including the police from these states, allowed the transportation of these firecrackers to Delhi.
The firecrackers burnt in Delhi were sourced from Uttar Pradesh and Haryana, and that certain individuals, including the police of these states, permitted the transportation of those firecrackers to the city, says the Environment Minister
People associated with the BJP instigated others to burn firecrackers on Diwali, leading to an overnight increase of over 100 points in the national capital s air quality index, Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai alleged on Monday.
At a press conference here, he said the firecrackers burnt in
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