LISBON The Columbiana County Educational Service Center (ESC) Governing Board approved the hiring of several employees and a conditional contract for a futu
LISBON The Columbiana County Educational Service Center (ESC) Governing Board approved the hiring of several employees and a conditional contract for a future year for teacher assistant Sarah Blakeman on Tuesday. Blakeman has decided to take the next school year off to reflect on if she wants to continue in education or pursue another […]
LISBON The Columbiana County Educational Service Center (ESC) Governing Board approved the hiring of several employees and a conditional contract for a futu
CADIZ The Harrison County Wellness Coalition discussed bringing new suicide prevention resources to the area. The meeting last week was organized by Wendy
ST. CLAIRSVILLE Drake Finnicum will visit Washington, D.C., to compete in the national finals after taking home first place in the 37th annual Belmont Cou