by Lone Sheep Publishing on Monday Jan 18 2021
Communities of Rossland, Castlegar, Nelson, along with some in Alberta, have stepped up to help a Sunflower City couple bring their newborn Zoey home. Submitted photo
While Christmas 2020 is now in the review mirror, a Castlegar couple, with ties to both Nelson and Rossland, are looking for an extra something in their stockings thoughts of bringing newborn baby Zoey home.
Brett and Kendra (Wayling) Uniat were blessed with the birth of the amazing daughter Zoey on Thanksgiving Day, October 12, 2020.
Zoey, who recently celebrated her three-month birthday, was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called “Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome” or CCHS.
by Letters to the editor on Thursday Dec 17 2020
The community is rallying around the Uniat family and daughter Zoey, born on October 12, Thanksgiving Day and diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called “Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome”, (CCHS).
To The Editor:
While 2020 will undoubtedly be remembered by most for the COVID-19 pandemic, a young couple from Castlegar, Brett and Kendra (Wayling) Uniat, will remember it for the birth of their amazing daughter Zoey, born on October 12, Thanksgiving Day.
Zoey is now nine weeks old and last week was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called “Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome”, (CCHS).
When Zoey is sleeping, her breathing becomes too shallow, causing her oxygen levels to drop and CO2 to build up in her blood.