Finland begins a three-week period of partial shutdown on Monday. The term used by authorities,
sulkutila, is the Finnish equivalent of the words shutdown or lockdown used in many countries around the world.
In Finland however, at least for the time being, there is no curfew in place and outdoor movement is not restricted.
The shutdown will nevertheless bring many changes, especially to regions considered to be in the acceleration or community transmission phase of the epidemic.
Although the closure of bars and restaurants has progressed through Parliament over the past week, it had not yet received the final seal of approval as of Monday morning.
updated 23.2.2021 16:40
The attack occurred at Finns Party aide Pekka Kataja s home in July 2020.
Attackers used this fake package to persuade Pekka Kataja to let them in to his house.
Image: Poliisin esitutkintapöytäkirja
A man went on trial on Tuesday accused of attempting to murder an official in the Finns Party in what the prosecution says was a politically-motivated attack.
Prosecutors added that a similar attack has not occurred in Finland since the 1930s. At that time the far-right Lapua Movement committed several acts of political violence.
The defendant, a man born in 1979 who is resident in Tuusula, denies all charges in the case, which is tried this week at the district court in Jyväskylä.
One evening, one bar, 80 infections, 1000+ quarantined
An outbreak of coronavirus cases in Jyväskylä is being linked to a student gathering at a city bar.
Health authorities in Jyväskylä reported a record high number of coronavirus cases on Wednesday.
Image: Heli Kaski / Yle
The city of Jyväskylä in Central Finland reported a record number of 106 coronavirus infections on Wednesday, the majority of which are being linked to a city centre bar.
Authorities said 80 of the new cases have been traced to Heidi’s Bier Bar, which had been due to hold a student event last week. The event was cancelled but an estimated 150 people still turned up.