Popular Bangla fusion band Chirkutt has created waves with its music, both locally and internationally. Their iconic songs like "Doyal" and "Bondhu" have tugged on the heartstrings of their fans for years now. Yesterday, the 20th anniversary concert for Chirkutt took place at TSC. Titled "TSC to Madison Square Garden", the concert began around 6 pm at University of Dhaka's
Popular Bangla fusion band Chirkutt has created waves with its music on both local and international platforms. The band has given the audiences popular tracks including “Doyal”, “Bondhu”, among others. Chirkutt has come a long way and to thank their fans- they will be arranging their 20th anniversary concert at TSC.
A Cincinnati woman has been ordered to repay money illegally taken from the Veterans Administration for more than 40 years by impersonating her mother, who died.