523 students, 407 staffers positive for COVID in Massachusetts schools in last week
Updated Jan 14, 2021;
A total of 930 COVID-19 cases, split between 523 students and 407 staff members, have been reported at Massachusetts schools from Jan. 7 to 13, education officials said Thursday.
Those cases do not include students who are learning remotely. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education each Thursday issues a COVID case report, detailing the number of students and staff members who reported a positive test for the coronavirus within seven days of being inside school buildings.
This week’s report details 505 student cases and 355 staff cases at local school districts. There were six student cases and 10 staff cases at education collaboratives. And there were 12 student cases and 42 staff cases at approved special education schools.
January 7, 2021
Gladys Blinn, a long-time crossing guard for students attending the Wilson Middle School directs students to cross as school gets out in Natick on Dec. 14, 2020. (Jessica Rinaldi/Globe Staff)
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Massachusetts officials are reporting 178 new positive coronavirus cases among students and 253 new cases among staff at public school districts across the Bay state.
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education released its weekly report Thursday on COVID-19 in schools, which only reflects confirmed coronavirus cases reported by districts to state officials between Dec. 24 and Jan. 6.
The state announced that it would not post its usual weekly reports from Dec. 31 through Jan. 6, and that case counts reported during that week would be included in this report.
1,009 students, staffers positive for COVID in Massachusetts schools in last week
Updated Dec 17, 2020;
A total of 1,009 new coronavirus cases have been identified in Massachusetts schools from Dec. 10 to Dec. 16, officials said Thursday.
Those cases were among 591 students and 418 staff members, according to a weekly report from the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The report, released each Thursday, does not include cases among students who are remote learning. Additionally, cases are only included if the infected person has been in a school building within the seven days before testing positive.
This week’s report shows an increase of almost 90 students compared to last week and about the same number of cases among staff members. Last week, the state announced positive tests among 503 students and 420 staffers, a spike compared to previous reports.
Massachusetts schools see spike in COVID cases, with 503 students and 420 staffers positive in last week
Updated Dec 10, 2020;
State education officials have announced 923 coronavirus cases reported among school students and staff members between Dec. 3 and Dec. 9, a large increase compared to previous weeks.
Those cases are among 503 students and 420 staffers and do not include cases among students who are remote learning. Additionally, cases are only included if the infected person has been in a school building within the seven days before testing positive.
This week’s report shows an increase of almost 400 cases. Last week, the department reported 527 positive COVID cases among 276 students and 251 staffers. That report was similar to the numbers released the week prior.