Meralco Energy Inc. (MServ), a subsidiary of the Manila Electric Co. (Meralco), has been tapped by Allied Care Experts (ACE) Group of Hospitals for the installation of electrical facilities that are crucial to the day-to-day operations of two medical centers in the country. MServ turned over the load side facilities…
Present during the loan signing were (seated from left) DBP Executive Vice President Jose Gabino D. Dimayuga; ACE Medical Center Chairman Dr. Amado Manuel C. Enriquez, Jr.; DBP President and Chief Executive Officer Emmanuel G. Herbosa; ACE Medical Center President Dr. Fernando P. Carlos; and DBP First Vice President Daniel M. Gonzales. Joining them were (standing from left) DBP Account Officer Assistant Yllen F. Javierto; DBP Assistant Vice President Edward R. Mansion; ACE Medical Center Founders/ Directors Dr. Geanie Cerna Lopez, Dr. Marietta Samoy, Dr. Maria Dinah Reyes, Dr. Mary Anne P. Sunga, and Jeff Christian Carlos; ACE Medical Corporate Secretary Raul Limbo, DBP Account Officer Assistant Lady Bernadette B. Zarsaga, and DBP Assistant Manager Bernadette V. Ramos.