means have an embedded on your instagram yeah thing to undergo the technicalities still need to be communicating deep still but i think what 40 average user of all those years of facebook what it will mean is that one day you open up replication it says they update it both on desktop and mobile and there will be a small i can you present it in the in the menu bar which says like crypto wallet or facebook or and while there he brought wallets and that i think it will be very easy for people to well purchase things for instagram for example or say each other money payback for coffee over what s up etc now we touched briefly on the issue of trust because you know facebook of course is in and doing the best reputation these days those partners that we mentioned they ve also seen some criticism as well and i would like to read out this tweet from a few days ago just because it was widely read tweeted now sarah jane lewis the executive director of open privacy says can t wait for a crypto cu